greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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"'..that fear is the heart of love,' so I never went back."

No. I am not making an LJ entry, and the LJ entry I am not making portends naught. Pay no attention to that platypus behind the curtain.

I just wanted to say that late yesterday afternoon my author's copies of The Drowning Girl: A Memoir showed up on the back stoop. Well, the paltry few I was allotted. I'm going to have to order more, because, for once, I'm not ashamed of the cover. Indeed, it looks even better in person, so thank you Elke Sigol, who- and wherever you are.

Oh, and Spooky took a photo (after the fashion of the 17th Century Latvian anti-glamourists) last night in ye olde boudoir, and even the platypus got in on the act:

Yes, it is good to have this book in print. It has never felt better, seeing one of my novels in print. Thank you, one and all, and especially Vince Locke, whose illustrations frame it perfectly, and everyone who blurbed the novel, and...well, all of you. Now, we just have to sell one billion copies*. So, hop to it (the platypus said that last part).

Now, I'll admit...

...the paper is so astoundingly thin and acidic that it begins to turn yellow and crumble whenever I look at it. No, that's not good. But I've gotten used to it over the years. And even paper this lousy beats the hell out of what you'd get from an ebook edition. If I drop this book, it will not break. Its battery won't ever run down (guess why). Getting it too near strong magnetic fields isn't a problem. If it gets wet, I can dry it out and the words will (probably) still be there. It can't crash or get a virus. Amazon can't show up in the middle of the night and capriciously, inexplicably take it back. Someone sits on it, or steps on it, no problem. I don't have to worry about backward compatibility. I can loan it to anyone I wish. And...well, you get the point. Or you don't. But in 2017, when all those post-Kindle/Schnook "e-readers" are refusing to display ebooks from 2012, this copy will still be perfectly readable (if, possibly, brittle). Trust me. I spent a week in 2017 a few years back. Yeesh. Awful year. Wal-Mart is elected President.

So, anyway, kittens, and pretty please, buy an analog copy. Make an old and curmudgeonly beast smile.

I Am With Book,
Aunt Beast

* I'll settle for ten thousand copies.
Tags: ebooks, the drowning girl

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