Part and counterpart.
Also, paleontologists at Brigham Young University have discovered evidence of dermestid beetle larvae having fed on the carcass of a Late Jurassic-aged ornithopod dinosaur Camptosaurus. Cool stuff!
Sunny today. the high was 86F. As for work, writing, the chapbook/novella, the fearsome deadline, and all that...between my insomnia, a yelping pack…
Indeed. Sunny today, and our high was 86F, with a heat index of 87F. I was awake at 5 a.m., up and writing at 6, and I did another 1,005 words on…
Nostly sun today, a welcome relief. No rain. Our high was 82F, with a heat index of 84F. But. I woke at 3:30 a.m., not feeling well, and while I was…