Thanks and welcome to the new subscribers who signed up for Sirenia Digest yesterday. It occurs to the platypus, who always tells me these things, that today is another very good day to subscribe.
Is it really Wednesday?
A decent walk yesterday, as far west down Sinclair as the dinosaur. Then last night, Spooky and I watched Luc Besson's Nikita (1990). Somehow, I'd managed never to see this film, despite the fact that I'm a great admirer of Besson's, and also despite the fact I was rather fond of the American remake, Point of No Return (1993). I was pleased (but not surprised) to see that Besson's original is the smarter and more complex of the two. And you get Anne Parillaud, in the bargain. Later, there were two very intense rp scenes in the Second Life Dune sim, much more than I'd bargained for, really. They left me sad and tired and just wanting to lie down. So, later still, Spooky read me the seventh chapter of Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. That was yesterday, pretty much.
Only coffee can save me now.