greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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eBay update

Addendum: We'll be getting lots of stuff up on eBay in the next few days. Most notably, my hand-corrected galley of Murder of Angels. I don't usually sell these, but I figure this way at least one person will read the book with all those disputed commas where they should be. If there's something in particular you want, but don't see listed, let us know or just keep checking back.

Click here for eBay goodness.

I'd meant to tell you all the bedtime story that Spooky told me last night, involving Sophie's deal with a very large wolf spider, whereby she supplies it with juicy, living insect victims in exchange for her life, but Spooky says the story's "dumb" and won't let me. Sorry. She tells me a lot of stories about Sophie. Maybe I'll make a children's book of them someday.

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