greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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And I only am escaped...

We made it all the way through The Dry Salvages today, marking missing commas and such. I found one possible problem involving light speed and relativity, but it's easily fixed. All in all, the ARC version is in good shape. And, as I've said, I am very proud of this story.

But I'm wrestling with many of the inherent difficulties of science fiction. The worst, I think, is that though I may strive to write about a character in the 24th century, in truth all I'm ever doing is writing 21st-century characters in a postulated 24th-century setting. Language is especially frustrating, trying to imagine how a character might speak, while, at the same time, leaving the language accessible to a contemporary audience. Science fiction is not an exact science, but then neither are most of the most interesting sciences.

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