A bad day. A very bad day, though I slept well enough.
I cannot overcome my own escape velocity.
This, from Facebook (deleted almost as soon as I posted it): "Biden's failure, and the return of TrumpWorld, was written in stone as soon as the January 6th coup failed. But Trump and his cohorts are the people we, collectively, as a nation, deserve – perpetual trolling, tearing down, blind ignorance and arrogance, pettiness, disregard of history. The age of optimism, enlightenment, and struggle for a better world has ended."
I believe this statement to be no more controversial than the proposition that men have walked on the moon.
Please have a look at the current eBay auctions. Before they begin burning books.
Thank you.
Later Tater Beans,
Aunt Beast (just a little black rain cloud)

12:49 a.m.