greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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Rocking a Diamond Beard

Nothing much to say about today. We got home from Leeds (after stopping at the Bass Pro Shops), moved the living room furniture into yet another configuration, played some Guild Wars 2, watched some TV. That's pretty much it. I do have a couple of things I posted to Facebook, though:

“Call it precious and go to hell, I believe a story can be wrecked by a faulty rhythm in a sentence.” — Truman Capote

“A story should be a finished work before it is shown. And after that, I will not allow anyone to change anything, and I will not change anything on anyone’s advice. ‘Here is my story. It’s a finished story. Take it or leave it!’ ” — Katherine Anne Porter


11:37 a.m.
Tags: bass pro shops, leeds, mom, pumpkins, quilts, truman capote, writing

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