No thunderstorms yesterday. We made it to 93˚F, with a heat index of 100˚F. Today, we have another heat advisory, and it's currently 85˚F, with a heat index of 92˚F.
The lack of sleep night before last pretty much dashed my hopes of a productive Tuesday. I tried to shelve books, but I was only making a bigger mess of the mess that was already there. Today, I go back to writing. I slept a full eight hours last night, so I have hope it may go well.
Last night, Spooky made penne with meats sauce for dinner, and we watched Joshua Logan's Paint Your Wagon (1969), which was one of the first movies I saw in a theater, as my parents took me along when they went to see it. It remains one of my favorite musicals. Last night, I referred to it as Deadwood: The Musical.
Today, I also need to talk with Jacob Weisman about Tachyon's The Very Best of Caitlín R. Kiernan, and with Jonathan Strahan about Tor stuff, and the temporarily lost (but now found) corrections to The Dinosaur Tourist need to go back into the mail to Subterranean Press.
10:36 p.m.