greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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I've been awake since just after 7 a.m., but I've managed to get nothing much done, thanks to the effects of the gabapentin. I have to make this very short, because we are down to the line, as it were, and tomorrow will be eaten up packing the storage unit, and Wednesday is when the movers come. We won't have time to get our breath until Thursday. At least the sun is coming out now, after I woke to an overcast sky.

Packing all day yesterday. Plus a trip to Lowes to get more boxes, bubblewrap, and tape. Almost all the pictures are down off the walls now.

Last night, after Night 2 of spaghetti (the last evening meal we are likely to cook here), and after more packing, we watch the lastest Parts Unknown on CNN, and then a special tribute to Anthony Bourdain.


10:03 p.m.
Tags: anthony bourdain, moving, not enough sleep, tired

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