greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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"Oh, Ophelia, you've been on my mind girl since the flood." (II)

Cold and cloud today, the sky spitting rain, a melancholy sky for Christmas Eve. Currently, it's 44˚F, with the windchill at 39˚F.

Yesterday, I wrote 1,251 words on "The Sick Rose, Redux." Today, I'll finish the story.

"Stories are kind of like relationships. You can try to force them to be a thing, and break them, and make everybody wind up unhappy. Or you can let them be what they are, and enjoy them, and realize that sometimes you have to let go of your control issues and let things just be." ~ Elizabeth Bear

After writing, Spooky and I went to Eastside Market for everything we needed to fix dinner tonight. I'll be cooking Christmas Eve dinner this year, Cornish hens and fingerling potatoes and Brussels sprouts.

Last night, after doing Wintersday stuff in GW2, we watched the season finale of Shameless, "Requiem for a Slut," and it was probably one of the better episodes of the series.

And I have this, from the City of Providence to the whole Trump-haunted world. Try to be kind to one another, because of or regardless of your beliefs, just for today and tomorrow:

Aunt Beast
Tags: "the sick rose redux", elizabeth bear, gw2, shameless, trees, writing, xmas

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