I've sort of lost track of the release dates on Alabaster: The Good, the Bad, and the Bird. But I think #4 shows up in comics shops early in March. I think. It's odd that I have never seen an issue of Alabaster, or one of the collected hardbacks, in a comic store. You'd think Newbury Comics would carry it, but, if so, I've never seen it there. Then again, Newbury Comics seems to carry very, very little from Dark Horse. But yes, watch for the fourth issue. Soon. The months have flown by.
I'm coming to terms with the likelihood that it's going to be a while before we return to the South. At least another year or two, maybe longer. Money is a major consideration. It cost us over six thousand dollars to move up here back in 2008. And then there's the ugly turn that politics has taken in Alabama just since we were last there in 2014. And then there's the fact that the Next New Novel will be set in South County, on or near Moonstone Beach. My reaction to this change of plans is surprising me, in that I seem to be more or less at peace with it. I believe, more and more, that a great deal of my inability to cope with the cold weather the past few years stemmed from how messed up the gabapentin had me. It was clearly increasing my depression.
Last night, we watched Fred Zinnemann's Julia (1977), which, oddly, I'd never seen. It's really an excellent film and includes the first screen appearance of Meryl Streep. There was a time that Jane Fonda really was a fine actress, though she's outshone here by her supporting cast, Vanessa Redgrave and Jason Robards (who plays Dashiell Hammett).
Later Taters,
Aunt Beast