greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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"Make me a beast half as brave." (Again)

Here in Providence, it's 86˚F and "partly sunny," which I think is how the weathermen describe "partly cloudy" when they're trying to be upbeat.

In just about every way that yesterday could be a bad day, yesterday was, indeed, a bad day. I can hope for today to be better, and I can try to make it better, but I can't make any promises. There's too much weight.

In a comment to yesterday's entry, papersteven asked if maybe I'd finish "The Alchemist's Daughter" before Houses Under the Sea: Mythos Tales goes to press. And the answer is no. Even if I were strongly motivated to do so, there just isn't time. The end of the story is probably at least five or six thousand works from where I stopped, and I'd need a minimum of a week (and more likely two). So, it will be published as "The Alchemist's Daughter (A Fragment)."

Please have a look at the current eBay auctions. Thank you.

Aunt Beast
Tags: "the alchemist's daughter", anger, bad days, depression, fear, houses under the sea, weather

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