greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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"My small reprieve's your heart of gold."

And I wake to the news that the Supreme Court of the United States has declared that gay marriage is now legal in every niche and corner of this country. No more state-by-state victories and setbacks. No more separate-but-equal "civil union" rulings. No more bullshit.

I don't really know how to follow that.

No writing yesterday. A lot of dithering. But no writing. I spoke with Jerad Walters at Centipede Press about Piotr Jabłoński, who's doing the cover and endpapers for Houses Under the Sea: Mythos Tales. I told Dark Horse that I won't be in San Diego; I thought they knew already. I fought to stay awake. I did some housecleaning. It wasn't much of a day.

Last night, we watched Anton Corbijn's A Most Wanted Man (2014) (adapted from John le Carré's novel). This Philip Seymour Hoffman's last completed film, and his performance was, as always, masterful. I see him, and it's hard to except such a man is gone from the world. We followed it with A.J. Edwards' The Better Angels (2014), which was superb, beautiful, every frame an exquisite still photograph in its own right. I think we've almost caught up on all the 2013-2014 films that we missed, something like fifty films since late May. I need to sit down and make a list.

Aunt Beast
Tags: centipede press, cover art, dark horse, equality, gay marriage, good movies, houses under the sea, not writing, philip seymour hoffman, piotr jabłoński

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