greygirlbeast (greygirlbeast) wrote,

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"...but first you must learn how to smile as you kill."

We have sun today, only patches of cloud – and wind – but it's colder than yesterday. Currently, it's 41˚F, but feels like 30˚F. I did manage to leave the house yesterday. We made it to the Athenaeum, and then Eastside Market, and then Whole Foods. We left the House at 2:20 p.m. and returned right about 6 p.m. So, I was Outside for three hours and forty minutes, by far the longest I've been out since we returned home on the 28th of December.

Thanks to a headache that's still with me, I only made it halfway through Black Helicopters.

Here are photos from yesterday, behind the cut (no ebooks allowed):

All Photographs Copyright © 2015 by Caitlín R. Kiernan

I'll be here all week. I always am.

Aunt Beast
Tags: "best of crk", 5chambered, a is for alien, black helicopters, january, outside, proofreading, providence, the ape's wife

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